2014 Blog Year in Review

StatsI just got the statistics in from my blogging year.  This year was a big year for me, with my blog traffic increasing rather exponentially over previous years due to my whole involvement in the Strange Fire conference and aftermath.  I had written a blog post this morning (on something totally unrelated to blog stats) and was about to post it, but WordPress threw it into the ether and I lost everything (I know, draft on Word…the one time I don’t…doh).  So, I was all bummed today.  My mood just picked up though as I got the stats in from the Cripplegate and learned that I had the #1 post on there for 2014, with this post receiving 24,000+ views.  Thanks to all my readers!

Then I was curious about this blog and I looked at my own analytics.  I realized that my review of the Noah movie was my most trafficked post by far, with 52,000 views.  For comparison my second place post was, strangely, my 207-word post about Jentezen Franklin and Tommy Tenney that got 3,500 views.  Also, three of my top ten posts were the movie reviews (God’s Not Dead and Left Behind) I did this year.  I guess that means that people like my crabby movie reviews.

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